EV info + interview prep

this doc is for anyone wanting to learn more about emergent ventures and prep for an interview! i was interviewed (and given a grant) by Shruti Rajagopalan who runs EV's India grants, but info is pretty universal and will be useful whether you interview with Shruti or Tyler. info here is sourced by myself + other grantees i've spoken with

dm on twitter if u have any questions i don't answer here

- Ari :)

the tldr for interviews: make sure you have a solid understanding of what it is you're building, why you're building it, and what you intend to spend the requested funds on. the conversations are pretty short and can be really enjoyable assuming you're just yourself - shruti and tyler are really smart and nice so even if you don't get the grant, enjoy the conversation

grant applications by ev winners:

minesamstack'sanother one

if you don't get the grant, where else can you look:

🤑 grant db
  1. grantees get access to a whatsapp group chat and an annual grantee conference (all travel expenditures covered, haven't been but i've heard great things)
  2. you pay any taxes associated with the grant so figure out how you want to accept it to make the most out of it
    1. accept it personally and pay individual taxes, accept to a business account and pay corporate taxes, or accept it to a non-profit (tax-free) account like I did. feel free to dm if you're curious about what we did with that